Compliance Monitoring and Follow-Up Audits

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Our Compliance Monitoring and Follow-Up Audits
A compliance audit is a specialized type of audit tailored to assess adherence to regulatory requirements within the apparel industry. Various regulatory authorities define specific compliance issues that must be addressed. Garment manufacturers are often requested by buyers to verify their compliance with the required standards. The compliance audit thoroughly examines these issues to ensure they are being met. Once the audit is completed, certificates may be issued to demonstrate compliance. The Compliance Audit Checklist in the Industry serves as a valuable tool for garment makers, offering insights into the expectations and inquiries buyers may pose regarding the company’s compliance practices.
Importance of Compliance Monitoring
Monitoring serves as a fundamental mechanism to ensure the smooth functioning of an organization’s operations. Its scope extends beyond basic oversight, encompassing the detection of any instances of noncompliance, whether stemming from internal policies or external regulations, and regardless of whether such noncompliance arises inadvertently or deliberately. Through proper documentation of processes, monitoring becomes a valuable tool for organizations to demonstrate their adherence to correct procedures, showcasing the robustness of their enforcement measures. Consequently, this proactive approach aids in mitigating any adverse repercussions that may arise in the event of occasional instances of noncompliance slipping through the system.
Areas/Categories of Textile Compliance Audit
Child and under-aged worker
- Child labor remediation process
- Recruitment policy
- Personal file
- Agreement with the service provider/sub-contract
Right of Worker
- Personal file of worker
- Service book
- Employee ID card
Working Hours
- Working hour Approval
- Working hour record for all section
- Overtime hour record
- Attendance Register
- Declared holiday list
- Manpower list
Workplace Safety
- Sub-soil/Geological investigation report
- Building structural plan/approval
- 3rd party assessment report
- Firefighting training record
- Fire drill record
Environment Management
- Environmental risk assessment as per section
- Emergency procedure to reduce risk
- Environmental clearance certificate
Company Policies
- Child Labor Policy
- Child labor Remediation Policy
- Disciplinary Rules/Policy
- CSR Policy
- Anti-Corruption/Bribery policy