Factory Improvement Plans

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Our Factory Improvement Plans

Higher productivity is a key driver of increased profit margins for businesses, including garment factories. Sibpk presents the Top 10 ways to improve productivity, empowering factories to enhance labor efficiency. These practical strategies leverage existing resources such as manpower, time, and machinery to boost both machine and labor productivity, resulting in higher production levels and reduced manufacturing costs.When I look into the processes and operations during my visit to factories, I find improvement potential is there in every area. Initially, you may not be able to find and measure potential areas.

Improvement In Industry Plan

Understanding that employees are motivated by monetary incentives, Sibpk encourages the implementation of fair and intelligent incentive schemes. Contrary to initial concerns, such schemes can boost operator efficiency significantly, as seen in factories where efficiency rose from 45% to 76%. Alongside increased efficiency and productivity, incentive schemes can also foster discipline on the shop floor, as operators are motivated to exert extra effort in their work. The result is a win-win situation, benefiting both employees and the organization.

8 Ways to Improve Productivity in Garment Production


Conducting motion study and correcting faulty motions

Sibpk believes in continuous improvement and encourages going to the Gemba (sewing floor) to observe operators' working methods and movements. By preparing a checklist for good methods and movements and conducting motion studies, any wrong or unnecessary movements can be identified and corrected.


Hourly operator capacity checks

Sibpk recommends employing work-study personnel if not already in place and implementing regular checks of operator capacity on an hourly or bi-hourly basis. By comparing actual hourly production with their capacity, any discrepancies can be addressed.


Improve line balancing

The purpose of balancing a line, according to Sibpk, is to minimize operator idle time and maximize operator utilization. A balanced line ensures smooth work flow with no waiting time. During line setting, Sibpk recommends selecting operators based on their skill history and the skill required for each operation.


Reduce line setting time

In the textile industry, it has been observed that a line reaches its peak productivity level on day 6-7 after loading an order due to the learning curve. The time lost during the initial days for setting up a new style reduces overall machine productivity and line efficiency.


Training for Line Supervisors

In the textile industry, line supervisors play a crucial role in shop floor management and communication. Sibpk offers communication skill training for supervisors to enhance their ability to provide instructions effectively and transfer information efficiently, improving overall productivity and coordination in Indian factories.


Training To Sewing Operators

Operators are a valuable asset in apparel manufacturing, and Sibpk emphasizes investing in operator skill development through training to improve productivity, reduce resource consumption, and enhance output quality, ultimately leading to better line performance and profitability.


Real-time shop floor data tracking system

Sibpk advocates the use of RFID-based real-time systems to gather crucial information from the shop floor quickly, enabling continuous improvement and timely corrective actions, preventing issues from escalating and ensuring efficient production management.


Installing better equipment

In the textile industry, line supervisors play a crucial role in shop floor management and communication. Sibpk offers communication skill training for supervisors to enhance their ability to provide instructions effectively and transfer information efficiently, improving overall productivity and coordination in Indian factories.

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